4 Rounds - Max Reps at Each Station in 1 Minute
Row (calories)
Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold (24/16kg) (every 5 seconds = 1 rep)
Box Jump Overs (24/20")
Handstand Push-up
Friday 7/6/18
Thursday 7/5/18
Wednesday - 7/4/18
Tuesday - 7/3/18
Monday - 7/2/18
Everday is an Easy Day
"The last easy day was yesterday.", "It's mind over matter.", "No pain, no gain!"
I'm sure we've all heard these catch phrases before, and for how long (if at all!) did they work? All of these sayings are uttered or sometimes yelled to motivate you to push yourself harder to succeed. But let me forewarn you: Strongtown is not here solely to motivate you, if we were then you would use and need us like a mental crutch! And we want you to stand on your own!