For Time:
400m Run
25 Power Snatch (95/65 lbs)
100 Double Unders
800m Run
100 Double Unders
25 Power Snatch (95/65 lbs)
400m Run
Thursday - 5/23/19
Back to the Basics (Part 3)
It is natural to want to teach people advanced and fancy movements. The urge to quickly move away from the basics and toward advanced movements arises out of the natural desire to entertain your client and impress him with your skills and knowledge. But make no mistake: it is a sucker's move. Teaching a snatch where there is not yet an overhead squat, teaching an overhead squat where there is not yet an air squat, is a colossal mistake. This rush to advancement increases the chance of injury, delays advancement and progress, and blunts the client's rate of return on his efforts. In short, it retards his fitness
Wednesday 5/22/19
Tuesday - 5/21/19
Forty-One Percent
Since it is officially Murph season and our yearly dedication workout is just around the corner, there couldn’t be a better time to mention David Goggins.
David Goggins has been esoterically famous for some time. I had never heard of him until recently though, when he popped up in a podcast interview I was listening to on the way to work. I was taken aback both by the brash way he describes anything (so many F bombs) and his impressive resume. As described on his website…..continue reading
Monday - 5/20/19
Friday - 5/17/19
Thursday - 5/16/19
Back to the Basics (Part 2)
The novice's curse is manifested as excessive adornment, silly creativity, weak fundamentals and, ultimately, a marked lack of virtuosity and delayed mastery. If you're ever had the opportunity to be taught by the very best in any field you've likely been surprised at how simple, how fundamental, how basic the instruction was. The novice's curse afflicts learner and teacher alike. Physical training is no different