Sarah Gallagher June 8, 2021 WOD Wednesday - 6/9/21 Sarah Gallagher June 8, 2021 WOD For Time: 100 Cal Row Score = Total Time Romanian Deadlift 5 x 3 Same Weight
Sarah Gallagher June 7, 2021 WOD, AMRAP Tuesday - 6/8/21 Sarah Gallagher June 7, 2021 WOD, AMRAP WORKOUT OF THE DAY20 MInute AMRAP:200m Run 10 Devil Press (40/25 lbs) 7/5 Ring DipsScore = Total Rounds + Reps Rx1= 35/20 lbs Rx3= 50/35 lbs LOG WORKOUT RESULTS Jane! Dan and Big Mike!
Sarah Gallagher June 6, 2021 WOD, For Time Monday - 6/7/21 Sarah Gallagher June 6, 2021 WOD, For Time Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 Increase weight “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Sit-ups
Sarah Gallagher June 3, 2021 WOD, For Time Friday - 6/4/21 Sarah Gallagher June 3, 2021 WOD, For Time “Grettel” 10 Rounds - For Time: 3 Clean and Jerks (135/95 lbs) 3 Burpees Over Bar Score = Total Time
Sarah Gallagher June 1, 2021 WOD, For Time Wednesday - 6/2/21 Sarah Gallagher June 1, 2021 WOD, For Time For Time: Run 400m 40 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35 lbs) Run 400m 40 Wall-Ball (20/14 lbs) Run 400m 40 Toes to Bar Run 400m 40 Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Lunge (50/35 lbs)
Sarah Gallagher May 31, 2021 Tuesday - 6/1/21 Sarah Gallagher May 31, 2021 Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 (increase weight) 3 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations: Bike (Cal) Hang Power Clean (95/65 lbs) Sit-ups Rest Score = Total Reps
Sarah Gallagher May 27, 2021 WOD, AMRAP, Time Trial Friday - 5/28/21 Sarah Gallagher May 27, 2021 WOD, AMRAP, Time Trial Time Trials: Row 500m x 3 2 Minute Rest after each row Score = Total Time (3 Scores) 4 Minute AMRAP x 2: 30” Handstand Hold 4 Turkish Get-ups (40/25 lbs)
Sarah Gallagher May 26, 2021 WOD, For Time Thursday - 5/27/21 Sarah Gallagher May 26, 2021 WOD, For Time 5 Rounds - For Time: 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg) 21/18 Cal Bike 15 Box Jumps (24/20 in)Score = Total TimeRx1= 16/12 kg Rx3= 32/24 kg
Sarah Gallagher May 25, 2021 WOD, For Time Wednesday - 5/26/21 Sarah Gallagher May 25, 2021 WOD, For Time Push Jerk 5x5 (Same Weight) 3 Rounds - For Time: 10 Front Rack Lunges (75/55 lbs) 30 Sit-ups 20 Push-Press (75/55 lbs) Score = Total Time
Sarah Gallagher May 24, 2021 WOD, For Time Tuesday - 5/25/21 Sarah Gallagher May 24, 2021 WOD, For Time For Time: 1 Mile Run 100 Double Unders 50 Wall-Ball (20/14 lbs) 800m Run 50 Double Unders 25 Wall-Ball (20/14 lbs)