Hang Snatch (full squat)
Increase weight between each one
3 Rounds - Each for Time
250m Row
500m Bike
50 Double Unders
Despite Greg Glassman’s famous statement about diet in the CrossFit Journal back in 2002, “Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat,” the whole institution known as CrossFit does not advocate a specific type of diet. For a while there was a lot of talk about The Paleo Diet and The Zone Diet, and these days, the buzzword you often hear is macros.
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We are a few days into our 5 week nutrition / lifestyle / movement challenge. I got a couple of questions earlier today that I thought would be helpful to share:
Q: I've never tried to go full on paleo before, what kind of coffee creamer can I use? I got an almond milk creamer, unsweetened, but I'm not sure it fits the criteria?
Q: I don’t eat a lot of fruit, ever, so I'm nervous about snacks. Any tips would be so appreciated :)
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