Sarah Gallagher August 9, 2021 WOD, For Time Tuesday - 8/10/21 Sarah Gallagher August 9, 2021 WOD, For Time Strict Weighted Pull-ups 5 x 2 Same Weight 3 Rounds - For Time: 10 Hang Power Clean (Increasing Weight) 100m Run 1 Rope Climb Score = Total Time
Sarah Gallagher August 8, 2021 WOD Monday - 8/9/21 Sarah Gallagher August 8, 2021 WOD 4 Rounds of 5 Minutes: 21/15 Cal Row 15 Push-ups 10 V-ups Max Turkish Get-up (40/25 lbs) Score = Total Reps of TGU
Sarah Gallagher August 4, 2021 WOD, AMRAP Thursday - 8/5/21 Sarah Gallagher August 4, 2021 WOD, AMRAP Press Complex: 5 Increasing Sets 2 Push Press 2 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk 9 Minute AMRAP: 50 Double Unders 10 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75 lbs) Score = Total Rounds + Reps
Sarah Gallagher August 3, 2021 WOD, For Time Wednesday - 8/4/21 Sarah Gallagher August 3, 2021 WOD, For Time 10 Rounds - For Time: 200m Run 5 Power Cleans (165/115 lbs) 5 Burpees Score = Total Time Rx1= 135/95 lbsRx3= 185/125 lbs
Sarah Gallagher August 2, 2021 WOD, Tabata Tuesday - 8/3/21 Sarah Gallagher August 2, 2021 WOD, Tabata “Tabata” - Total Reps Toes to Bar Dumbbell Box Step Overs (24/20") (50/35 lbs) Sit-up Bike (Calories) 1 Minute Rest after each station
Sarah Gallagher August 1, 2021 WOD, For Time Monday - 8/2/21 Sarah Gallagher August 1, 2021 WOD, For Time Snatch Complex 5 Increasing Sets 1 Hang Squat Snatch 2 Overhead Squats 3 Rounds - Each For Time: 7 Handstand Push-ups 7 Hang Squat Snatch (95/65 lbs) New round starts every 3 minutes
Sarah Gallagher July 29, 2021 WOD, Time Trial, For Time Friday - 7/30/21 Sarah Gallagher July 29, 2021 WOD, Time Trial, For Time Running Time Trials: 3 x 600m 3 Minutes Rest 3 Rounds - For Time: 1 Round of “DT” (155/105 lbs) 200m Run
Sarah Gallagher July 28, 2021 WOD, FGB Style Thursday - 7/29/21 Sarah Gallagher July 28, 2021 WOD, FGB Style 5 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations: 30" Rest after Each Station Wall-Ball (20/14 lbs) Row Ring Dips Score = Total Reps
Sarah Gallagher July 27, 2021 WOD, For Time Wednesday - 7/28/21 Sarah Gallagher July 27, 2021 WOD, For Time “Bottoms Up” 10 RM Back Squat 10-10-10-10 (increase weight) “Plank Walk” 21-15-9: Alt. Dumbbelll Snatch (50/35 lbs) Toes to Bar
Sarah Gallagher July 26, 2021 WOD, For Time Tuesday - 7/27/21 Sarah Gallagher July 26, 2021 WOD, For Time For Time: 100 Lunges 800m Run 50 Hang Power Cleans (115/75 lbs) 800m Run 50 Box Jumps (24/20") 800m Run