When It Comes to Nutrition, Keep it Simple

When It Comes to Nutrition, Keep it Simple

The nutrition world is inundated with diets, meal plans, false information, misleading advertising, and to be blunt, garbage we put in our bodies. So what do we do about it? We need to focus on the basics and KEEP IT SIMPLE. When we are in a bind, stressed, or short on time it makes it easy to think simple. There is no silver bullet or perfect plan, the one thing or plan, what to eat or not eat that will be the ultimate answer. Well, unfortunately, silver bullets and perfection is mostly a figment of your imagination. With that said, you should 100% be striving for it. This is how you start – make small decisions that are in your best interest over a period of time. Continuously doing it will lead to big results and a healthier lifestyle. As time passes decisions will get easier and easier and leave room for more improvement. Nutrition isn't a quick fix, strive for perfection by making good decisions and seeking constant improvement.

Here are a few habits you can put in place.

Book Report: Chasing Excellence

Book Report: Chasing Excellence

No matter your level of immersion into all things CrossFit, you may have heard the name Ben Bergeron. Bergeron has been a long-time CrossFit coach and owner of CrossFit New England, but in recent years has earned further CrossFit fame and success with the win of his athlete Katrin Davidsdottir in the 2015 and 2016 Games. He also trains athletes Brooke Wells and Cole Sager, owns the company No Bull, and has his hand in many other health and fitness endeavors.

Last winter I read…