For Time

Monday - 12/24/18

Monday - 12/24/18

Strongtown's 12 Days
   Day 1 - Squat Clean
   Day 2 - Front Squats
   Day 3 - Power Cleans
   Day 4 - Lateral Bar Burpees
   Day 5 - Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
   Day 6 - Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
   Day 7 - Box Jumps (24/20")
   Day 8 - Push-ups
   Day 9 - Pull-ups
   Day 10 - Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35 lbs)
   Day 11 - Leaping Lunges
   Day 12 - Calorie Bike...or...Ounces of Beer

Tuesday - 11/27/18

Tuesday - 11/27/18

Skill Work - Strict Gymnastics 

For Time:

   50 Double Unders 
   25 Strict Pull-ups
   50 Double Unders
   20 Strict Handstand Push-up
   50 Double Unders
   15 Strict Ring Dips
   50 Double Unders
   10 Strict Toes to Bar