7 Rounds - Not for Time:
3 Overhead Squats, 75% of 1RM
9 Strict Pull-ups
Monday - 1/6/20
Friday - 1/3/20
Thursday - 1/2/20
Motivation is a Sucker
Around the corner is a new decade. It is the season for New Year’s resolutions, restarts, and the time to once again promise ourselves we will cheerfully pursue the path to positive change. Maybe it is one too many holiday cookie-comas, but by the new year, we feel motivated! Gyms are packed and we stock our grocery carts full of vegetables and lean meats. Some of us dry out and lay off the alcohol, sugar, and dairy for the month of January.
… continue reading
Tuesday - 12/31/19
Monday - 12/30/19
Friday - 12/27/19
Tuesday - 12/24/19
"The 12 Days"
Day 1 - Thruster
Day 2 - Front Squats
Day 3 - Power Cleans
Day 4 - Deadlifts
Day 5 - Box Jumps (24/20")
Day 6 - Pull-ups
Day 7 - Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
Day 8 - Alt. Dumbbell Snatch (50/35 lbs)
Day 9 - Push-ups
Day 10 - Jumping Lunges
Day 11 - Toes to Bar
Day 12 - Burpees {or} Oz. of Beer