April 2022 - Member Milestones

April 2022 - Member Milestones

The Strongtown Weekly (our weekly newsletter) will now start highlighting Member Milestones in addition to the Weekly Finest List. We will also be updating the tally on our blog at the beginning of each month.

The milestones are based off attendance check-ins in our member management software (PushPress).

For anyone that was with us when we were using PIke13 / FrontDesk HQ (pre 2018) you will have an * next to your name since your true tally is actually much higher.

The Milestones we will be highlighting are…

4/4/22 - 4/8/22

4/4/22 - 4/8/22

Monday - 4/4/22 to Friday - 4/8/22

Monday: 5 Rounds - For Time
Tuesday: Tabata Core
Wednesday: 22 Minute AMRAP
Thursday: 20 Minute AMRAP
Friday: 6 Rounds - Not For Time

3/28/22 - 4/1/22

3/28/22 - 4/1/22

Monday - 3/28/22 to Friday - 4/1/22

Monday: For Time & EMOM
Tuesday: 20 minute AMRAP
Wednesday: 7 Minute AMRAP x 3
Thursday: 5 Rounds - For Time
Friday: 3 Rounds - 1 Minute at Each Station

3/21/22 - 3/25/22

3/21/22 - 3/25/22

Monday - 3/21/22 to Friday - 3/125/22

Monday: For Time
Tuesday: For 30 Minutes - Max Distance
Wednesday: Every 2 Minutes For 5 Rounds
Thursday: 20 Minute AMRAP
Friday: 3 Rounds - For Time

How to improve your Fitness outside the Gym

How to improve your Fitness outside the Gym

If you’re anything like me your time in the gym is for working out. You know you should stretch and mobilize after class but it rarely ever happens.

It’s one of those things that we all know we should be doing but it’s very often overlooked since it’s really not very exciting.

Kind of like a check-engine light in a car, we’ll deal with it when the issue arises.

The problem is that just like a car, a little bit of maintenance work can go a long way in helping to make sure everything continues to run smoothly for the long haul.

Introducing Member Milestones

Introducing Member Milestones

The Strongtown Weekly (our weekly newsletter) will now start highlighting Member Milestones in addition to the Weekly Finest List. We will also be updating the tally on our blog at the beginning of each month.

The milestones are based off attendance check-ins in our member management software (PushPress).

For anyone that was with us when we were using PIke13 / FrontDesk HQ (pre 2018) you will have an * next to your name since your true tally is actually much higher.

The Milestones we will be highlighting are…

3/14/22 - 3/18/22

3/14/22 - 3/18/22

Monday - 3/14/22 to Friday - 3/18/22

Monday: For Time
Tuesday: 3 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations
Wednesday: 15 Minute AMRAP
Thursday: For Time
Friday: Tabata & Max Reps

3/7/22 - 3/11/22

3/7/22 - 3/11/22

Monday - 3/7/22 to Friday - 3/11/22

Monday: 2 Rounds - For Time
Tuesday: 24 Min AMRAP
Wednesday: Complex & 4 Minute AMRAP x 3
Thursday: 5 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations
Friday: 5 Rounds - Not For Time

Best Jump Rope for Learning Double Unders

Best Jump Rope for Learning Double Unders

If you’ve been around Strongtown for any period of time it’s no secret that we love double-unders.

They’re a staple of our programming and one of the primary conditioning movements we do during the colder months when running isn’t an option.

They are also a movement that can be incredibly frustrating (and abusing) to learn.

The good news is that anyone can do them. Double-unders are a skill-based movement so learning them is a neurological adaptation and not a physical one….

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2/28/22 - 3/4/22

2/28/22 - 3/4/22

Monday - 2/28/22 to Friday - 3/4/22

Monday: 21-15-9 - For Time
Tuesday: Power Snatch & Burpee Box Jump For Time
Wednesday: E4MOM x 4 Rounds - Each For Time
Thursday: 3 Rounds - For Time
Friday: 4 Rounds - 1 Minute Max Rep