July 2024 - Updating Member Milestones

July 2024 - Updating Member Milestones

We’ve updated the total check-ins based on June’s attendance. The milestones are based on attendance check-ins in our member management software (PushPress).

For anyone that was with us pre-PushPress (prior to 2018) you will have a “+” next to your number since your true tally is actually much higher.

The Milestones we will be highlighting are…

Week of 6/24/24 - 6/28/24

Week of 6/24/24 - 6/28/24

Week of Monday 6/25/24 - Friday 6/29/24

Monday: EMOM - 25 Minutes
Tuesday: 5 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations Max Reps
Wednesday: 20 Minute AMRAP
Thursday: E3MOM x 3
Friday: 5 Rounds - For Time

Week of 6/17/24 - 6/21/24

Week of 6/17/24 - 6/21/24

Week of Monday 6/17/24 - Friday 6/21/24

Monday: EMOM x 14
Tuesday: 4 Rounds - For TIme
Wednesday: 10 Minute AMRAP x 2
Thursday: 3 Minutes AMRAP x 4
Friday: 5 Rounds - For a Good Time

Week of 6/10/24 - 6/14/24

Week of 6/10/24 - 6/14/24

Week of Monday 6/10/24 - Friday 6/14/24

Monday: 20 Minute AMRAP
Tuesday: 21-18-15-12: For Time
Wednesday: 5 Rounds - Not For Time (Quality)
Thursday: 6 Minute AMRAP x 3 | 3 Minute Rest
Friday: 3 Rounds - For Time

June 2024 - Updating Member Milestones

June 2024 - Updating Member Milestones

We’ve updated the total check-ins based on May’s attendance. The milestones are based on attendance check-ins in our member management software (PushPress).

For anyone that was with us pre-PushPress (prior to 2018) you will have a “+” next to your number since your true tally is actually much higher.

The Milestones we will be highlighting are…

Week of 5/3/24 - 5/7/24

Week of 5/3/24 - 5/7/24

Week of Monday 6/3/24 - Friday 6/7/24

Monday: 9 Minute AMRAP
Tuesday: 2 Rounds - For Time
Wednesday: E3MOM x 8
Thursday: 5 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations
Friday: 4 Rounds - For Time

Week of 5/27/24 - 5/31/24

Week of 5/27/24 - 5/31/24

Week of Monday 5/20/24 - Friday 5/24/24

Monday: No Classes
Tuesday: 20 Minute AMRAP
Wednesday: 4 Rounds - For Time
Thursday: 5 rounds - Not For Time
Friday: 4 Rounds - 1 Minute Statins Max Reps

Week of 5/20/24 - 5/24/24

Week of 5/20/24 - 5/24/24

Week of Monday 5/20/24 - Friday 5/24/24

Monday: Tabata
Tuesday: Time Trial
Wednesday: 20 Minute AMRAP
Thursday: 5 Rounds For Time
Friday: 3 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations

Week of 5/13/24 - 5/17/24

Week of 5/13/24 - 5/17/24

Week of Monday 5/13/24 - Friday 5/17/24

Monday: 12 Minute AMRAP
Tuesday: For Time
Wednesday: EMOM - 24 Minutes Alternating Stations
Thursday: 10 Rounds - For Time
Friday: For Time

May 2024 - Updating Member Milestones

May 2024 - Updating Member Milestones

We’ve updated the total check-ins based on April’s attendance. The milestones are based on attendance check-ins in our member management software (PushPress).

For anyone that was with us pre-PushPress (prior to 2018) you will have a “+” next to your number since your true tally is actually much higher.

The Milestones we will be highlighting are…