Tuesday - 6/20/22 to Friday - 6/25/22
Monday: EMOM x 14
Tuesday: 4 Rounds - For Time
Wednesday: 10 Minute AMRAP x 2
Thursday: For Time/Max Reps
Friday: For Time
The Strongtown Weekly (our weekly newsletter) will now start highlighting Member Milestones in addition to the Weekly Finest List. We will also be updating the tally on our blog at the beginning of each month.
The milestones are based off attendance check-ins in our member management software (PushPress).
For anyone that was with us pre-PushPress (prior to 2018) you will have a “+” next to your number since your true tally is actually much higher.
The Milestones we will be highlighting are…
We’re a couple weeks away from the start of our Summer Swim WOD.
You can hear Mikey and myself talking about it on our latest podcast - Ep 081: Murph…Swim WOD and the Strongtown Summer.
During the podcast one of the things we discuss is how you don’t need much equipment for our swim workouts but the one thing that you do need (outside of a swimsuit) is a pair of decent goggles.
The Strongtown Weekly (our weekly newsletter) will now start highlighting Member Milestones in addition to the Weekly Finest List. We will also be updating the tally on our blog at the beginning of each month.
The milestones are based off attendance check-ins in our member management software (PushPress).
For anyone that was with us when we were using PIke13 / FrontDesk HQ (pre 2018) you will have a “+” next to your number since your true tally is actually much higher.
The Milestones we will be highlighting are…