3/14/22 - 3/18/22

3/14/22 - 3/18/22

Monday - 3/14/22 to Friday - 3/18/22

Monday: For Time
Tuesday: 3 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations
Wednesday: 15 Minute AMRAP
Thursday: For Time
Friday: Tabata & Max Reps

3/7/22 - 3/11/22

3/7/22 - 3/11/22

Monday - 3/7/22 to Friday - 3/11/22

Monday: 2 Rounds - For Time
Tuesday: 24 Min AMRAP
Wednesday: Complex & 4 Minute AMRAP x 3
Thursday: 5 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations
Friday: 5 Rounds - Not For Time

Best Jump Rope for Learning Double Unders

Best Jump Rope for Learning Double Unders

If you’ve been around Strongtown for any period of time it’s no secret that we love double-unders.

They’re a staple of our programming and one of the primary conditioning movements we do during the colder months when running isn’t an option.

They are also a movement that can be incredibly frustrating (and abusing) to learn.

The good news is that anyone can do them. Double-unders are a skill-based movement so learning them is a neurological adaptation and not a physical one….

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2/28/22 - 3/4/22

2/28/22 - 3/4/22

Monday - 2/28/22 to Friday - 3/4/22

Monday: 21-15-9 - For Time
Tuesday: Power Snatch & Burpee Box Jump For Time
Wednesday: E4MOM x 4 Rounds - Each For Time
Thursday: 3 Rounds - For Time
Friday: 4 Rounds - 1 Minute Max Rep

2/21/22 - 2/25/22

2/21/22 - 2/25/22

Monday - 2/21/22 to Friday - 2/25/22

Monday: 3 Rounds For Time
Tuesday: Tabata, Bodybuilding, Time Trial
Wednesday: 15 Minute AMRAP
Thursday: For Time
Friday: 4 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations

2/14/22 - 2/18/22

2/14/22 - 2/18/22

Monday - 2/14/22 to Friday - 2/18/22

Monday: 8 Minute Ladder
Tuesday: 20 Rounds - For Time
Wednesday: 3 Minute AMRAP x 4
Thursday: EMOM x 24
Friday: For Time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

2/7/22 - 2/11/22

2/7/22 - 2/11/22

Monday - 2/7/22 to Friday - 2/11/22

Monday: 12 Minute AMRAP
Tuesday: Skill Work
Wednesday: 6 Rounds for Time
Thursday: 20 Minute AMRAP
Friday: 2 Rounds - For Time

1/31/22 - 2/4/22

1/31/22 - 2/4/22

Monday - 1/31/22 to Friday - 2/4/22

Monday: 6 Rounds for Time
Tuesday: Tempo Back Squats + 9 Minute AMRAP
Wednesday: 2 Minute Stations
Thursday: 6 Rounds - Not for Time
Friday: Barbell Complex + 3 Minute AMRAP’s